Indo Global Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences becomes the #CrossRef Member in 2018. We have assigned #DOI number to all the articles since then.
#DOI gives permanent and safe deposit of all the articles, so authors becomes tension free, as it will be active even if the journal will no longer work. Moreover, #DOI numbers will also help them to use #EndNote and #Mendeley reference tools easily, as they can easily import the reference in the library.
We have then aimed to give #DOI number to all our previously published papers also.
As a part 1 of that project, we have allocated and activated #DOI numbers to 281 #articles and #abstracts which were published in year 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. Authors who published papers in those years can take and record the DOI numbers from the below Table of Contents.
Vol 7, Issue 2:
Vol 7, Issue 1:
Vol 6, Issue 2:
Vol 6, Issue 1:
Vol 5, Issue 3:
Vol 5, Issue 2:
Vol 5, Issue 1:
Vol 4, Issue 3:
Vol 4, Issue 2:
Vol 4, Issue 1: